Jun 2020


Australian compliance: Working from home isn’t just about moving your office computer home

By: Odyssey Outsourcing
Tags: Australian tax compliance outsourcing, cyber risks, Data security, WORKING FROM HOME

COVID-19 has displaced workforce around the world, including offshore locations where staff are usually working in a secure office environment. Many offshore providers note their security restrictions such as no iphones in the office, 24 hour security guards, restricted fingerprint access to office environment. The list goes on. What’s really interesting, is many of these have jumped on the internet …


Nov 2017

The perfect storm. Is your Australian tax compliance client data secure

The perfect storm. Is your Australian tax compliance client data secure?

By: Odyssey Legislation
Tags: cyber risks, Data breach, Data security

Rewinding back to earlier this year, Australia will have a mandatory data breach notification scheme in place within the year after several aborted attempts, following the passage of legislation through the senate. There has certainly been a raft of overseas data breaches, and some of them like the Equifax breach has put Australians’ sensitive financial information at risk. What is …