Jan 2020

Commoditisation in Australian outsourcing accounting services: Only the strongest systems can survive

Commoditisation in Australian Outsourcing Accounting Services: Only the Strongest Systems Can Survive

By: Odyssey Outsourcing
Tags: australian accounting, Automation, commoditization of compliance, Outsourcing, systemisation

Whether you’ve joined the movement or not, it’s no doubt that the Australian tax and accounting industry keeps moving into more automation. As a result, there are surely big box accounting services providers that have “commoditised” their basic set of services such as bookkeeping, superannuation and taxes. Small and large businesses can find these services from a variety of providers.  The more players that enter the outsourcing accounting market, the higher the competition.

To survive in commoditised market, Australian accounting firms usually have two fundamental options: offer more specialized, value-added services with higher margins, or systemise these low-end services to deliver them more efficiently.

Systemisation is not a new trend in the Australian Accounting market; however, it requires systems built in the long term with day-to-day updating. It’s not only about business relationship, it’s about strong systems. The Australian accounting firms have to run on strong systems to deliver their core services efficiently, effectively and with repeatable process.

How did Odyssey systemise our accounting outsourcing services in this commoditised market?

As you can expect, being the market leader of accounting outsourcing to Australia, and after 15 years of Outsourcery, Odyssey has developed strong systems to make sure that 50,000 jobs are done annually and delivered on-time to our clients.

Odyssey’s Outsourcery Management System (OMS) is developed in-house by our IT department.

At the back end, jobs are scheduled, allocated, queried, re-scheduled, monitored and completed. All of this information is pushed into one central management system with plenty of checkpoints and checklists along the way.

At the front end, you can access our dashboard which links directly to our systems and have online real-time information on your jobs and job status, as well as jobs history.

Talk to Odyssey today about how we can assist with your compliance workload.

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